The Ultimate Explant & Detox Prep Program

Let’s get prepped for explant together (or the next steps in your detox journey post-explant)

It’s More Than a Program; It’s a Sisterhood!

The Explant Reset Program Phase 1 is a group program guided by Sarah that teaches you how to open up your drainage pathways, re-establish methylation, heal the cell, fix the mitochondria, support energy production, support the microbiome, and reduce toxic exposures, while implementing healing lifestyle strategies and build a strong/healing mindset.

Gain Clarity and Support as You Develop a Healing Lifestyle

This Program Is For You If You're Ready To...

  • Start supporting your body and optimizing drainage/detoxification pathways to prep for explant
  • Start preparation for deeper detox work in your healing journey post-explant
  • Build a healing mindset and lifestyle
  • Nourish your body with the right foods, and support your body with the right supplements
  • Start the process of healing your own body, so you can take back your power and confidence and finally feel the way you did before breast implants
  • Have more energy to do the things you love, get better sleep, think more clearly, feel more calm and less stressed, have better hormone balance, better digestion, the freedom to enjoy food again, enjoy clear skin, etc.
  • Save a ton of time and money by not trying a bunch of things that don’t actually work
  • Consistently see progress each week and celebrate the small wins that all add up to HEALING!

Hi, I'm Sarah Phillipe, RN, FDN-P, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Breast Implant Illness & Detox Expert... and I can help you heal your body naturally!

Every day, I help women just like you gain freedom from symptoms of Breast Implant Illness by unlocking their innate healing potential.

I am a retired nurse, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, BII and Detox Expert. I know what you’re going through because I was you. I struggled with fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, cystic acne, perioral dermatitis, food intolerances, anxiety, heart palpitations, hormonal imbalances, period problems, insomnia, and gut issues, just to name a few. It was through my own health struggles with Breast Implant Illness that I discovered my greater purpose. And working virtually with clients has allowed me the opportunity to help countless women all over the world 1:1 in my holistic health practice.

In addition to my extensive experience and training, my own health struggles led me to seek solutions that weren’t taught in my medical training as a nurse. After years of research, I cracked the code.

My biggest aha moment – healing is about more than the explant. I know you’ve probably seen countless posts online of women waking up from explant surgery “miraculously healed”. Maybe you’re wondering if this will be you or if you’re destined to live in misery…what I want you to know is that is not the norm. These are outlier cases of women who quite possibly have greater genetic potential for faster healing once the stressor is removed. But what about the rest of us? Are we doomed to a life of misery? The answer is no.

The good news: healing is absolutely possible for you. What you need is a guide to walk you through a step-by-step plan completely mapped out and personalized for you. Not just any self-proclaimed “expert”; a practitioner who has not only lived it and made it to the other side, but also has the education and training to back it up.

The first step is always DRAINAGE. If you haven’t explanted yet, this is the best step you can take to prepare your body for the best possible surgical outcome. If you’re someone who has explanted and still not feeling well, this is your first step to healing too. Most people want to jump straight to detox and that can hurt more than help…detox is important but in the right order.

What Clients Are Saying

With My Help, You Will Get Back Into Balance And Love Yourself Again!

The Explant Reset Program Phase 1 Will...

  • Equip you with the tools to open up drainage/detoxification pathways (colon, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, lymph, lungs, and skin) at the cellular level and start eliminating toxins naturally, so you can prepare your body for explant surgery and the best possible outcome OR so you can prepare your body deeper detox work if you’ve already explanted!
  • Help you nourish your body with the right foods, support your body with targeted supplements personalized to women dealing with Breast Implant Illness (everything you need and nothing you don’t), so you can start feeling better now!
  • Teach you how to re-establish methylation, heal the cell, fix the mitochondria and support energy production, support the microbiome, and reduce toxic exposures, so you can ditch the brain fog, fatigue, and hormone imbalances!
  • Teach you healing lifestyle strategies that you can implement in your daily life to get you on the right track in your healing journey!
  • Guide you to creating a strong/healing mindset rather than one that keeps you sick
  • Support and guide you every step of the way in bi-weekly group Zoom calls led by Sarah
  • Encourage you to take imperfect action daily toward your goals
  • Inspire you and surround you with amazing sisters that will hold you accountable and cheer you on every step of the way!
  • and much, MUCH more!

Best of All...

You’ll make new friends that will uplift you and inspire you to become the best version of YOU!

If you’re a woman struggling with the symptoms of Breast Implant Illness (whether you’ve explanted yet or not) who wants to take action by starting to open up drainage and detoxification pathways and experience the resulting benefits like more energy, better sleep, better brain clarity, improved hormone balance (and much more), then join the Explant Reset Program Phase 1 to begin the journey getting back into balance.

Here’s to your success with finally getting back to the truest version of yourself!

MEDICAL ADVICE: Even thougth Sarah Phillipe was a nurse, in this program she is not your medical provider. None of the content in the program materials constitutes medical advice and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. We also advise you to consult with your medical doctor before changing your diet or lifestyle. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it as a result of your use of the program. We make no guarantees about your experience or results from your use of the program materials and you release Sarah Phillipe, FDN-P, Reversing Breast Implant Illness, LLC, and the Explant Reset Program, its officers, employees, and consultants of any liability relating to your use. By signing up for the program, you agree to these terms. Please review your Client Agreement within the program for details and sign prior to getting started.

DISCLAIMERS: Participants understand that the role of the Health Coaches (Sarah Phillipe and her colleagues) are not to prescribe or assess micro- and macronutrient levels; provide heath care, medical, or nutrition therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or physica or emotional ailment of the human body. Rather, Sarah Phillipe is a mentor and guide who has been trained in holistic health to help participants reach their own health goals by helping them devise and impement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes. Participants understand that Sarah Philipe is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychoogist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given by her is not meant to take the place of a health care professional or currently uses prescription medications, participants should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietarysupplements use with her doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting with her doctor. Participants have chosen to work with Sarah Phillipe and become a participant of the Explant Reset Program  by free choiceand understand that the information received should not be seen as medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing their own licensed health professionals. Workouts and exercise instruction and/or pans are at participants own risk. Participants should consult with their doctor before beginning any new or different exercise plan or class. Participants assume all risk associated with workouts.

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